Painter- Burnett Award recipiant announced!

Article written and submitted by Dana Camerena(WA)

Jim Zagelow: Pioneering Beefalo Breeder in the Pacific Northwest

Jim Zagelow has been a prominent figure in beefalo breeding community for the last 38 years, playing a significant role in kickstarting numerous breeders’ ventures in the Pacific Northwest. Back in the late 1970s and early 1980s, Jim and his wife, Juanita, were navigating the evolving landscape of cattle farming. They were raising polled Herefords, but the emergence of new cattle breeds prompted them to reconsider their focus. It was during this period of exploration that they stumbled upon a newspaper article discussing beefalo and its touted health benefits.’

Intrigued by the prospect, Jim and Juanita embarked on a quest to incorporate beefalo into their operations. Their journey led them to acquire a beefalo bull named Sampson from a breeder in Cheney, Washington, in 1986. Little did they know, this decision would mark the beginning of Jim’s profound involvement in the beefalo community.

When questioned about his affinity towards beefalo, Jim’s response encompasses both the quality of the meat they produce and the camaraderie within the beefalo community. He has a profound appreciation for the individuals associate with beefalo breeding, from budding enthusiasts eager to delve into breeding to seasoned breeders spanning across the United States. Recalling fond memories, Jim reminisces about the national meetings held in various locations across the country. These gatherings served as an annual highlight for him, providing an invaluable opportunity to reconnect with fellow breeders, exchange insights, and celebrate the shared passion for beefalo breeding.

Jim Zagelow’s commitment to the breed, coupled with his unwavering passion for fostering connections within the industry, exemplifies the spirit of agriculture at its finest. As his legacy continues to unfold, his contributions serve as a testament to the enduring power of a vision and dedication in shaping the local agricultural landscape.

Jim Zagelow’s award was announced at the Annual Membership meeting held in Montgomery Indiana this spring. His plaque was presented to him following the meeting at his home.

We would like to congratulate and thank Mr. Zagelow for all his done for beefalo, whether it was promotion, encouraging new breeders, or supporting the organization, we are grateful!